20 Thanksgiving Riddles to Blow Your Mind

Thanksgiving Day

There is a good long holiday ahead, and you’ll have plenty of time to eat, drink, sleep, and relax. If you decide to give some activity to your mind, too, try this special edition of Thanksgiving Riddles and test if the enjoyable holiday has endowed you with extra brainpower!


1. What key do we always use on Thanksgiving Day?

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2. What words did a turkey say before it was put into the oven?

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I’m stuffed.

3. What is another name for sad cranberries?

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4. April showers bring May flowers. What do May flowers bring?

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5. Name the cat that discovered America.

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ChristoFurry Columbus.

6. What dance is the best one to perform on Thanksgiving?

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The turkey trot.

7. What would Pilgrims be most famous for if they still lived now?

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For their age.

8. We can’t take turkeys to church. Why?

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Because they speak such a FOWL language.

9. On which side of a turkey are there more feathers?

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On the outside.

10. Why don’t we eat fish on Thanksgiving Day?

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Because Thanksgiving Day never occurs on FryDay.

11. During a Thanksgiving dinner, what hand do you use to butter your roll?

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You don’t use hands, you use your knife!

12. What thing at the Thanksgiving table is always sleepy?

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13. Choose what’s longer: football or baseball.

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The words are of the same length – they both have 8 letters.

14. If a British person ate a Thanksgiving dinner what would he or she gain?

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15. What do we get when we see Broom-Hilda sitting on the beach with her turkey?

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A turkey sand-witch.

16. What should you put into stuffing to truly enjoy it?

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Your teeth.

17. What do turkeys eat on Thanksgiving?

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They don’t eat anything, they’re stuffed.

18. The police arrested a turkey. Why?

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The policemen suspected it of FOWL play.

19. Why did a turkey eat its food so hurriedly?

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Because it was a gobbler.

20. A person invested his money in feathers. Why?

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He thinks that the stock market is going “down”.

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